Bird - The RF Experts

Bird Exhibits at IMS 2024 Expo in Washington DC

Washington DC - June 2024

Bird is excited to announce our participation in the IMS 2024 Expo in Washington DC, from June 18-20. Visit us at booth 1955 to experience our latest innovations, including our new Compact Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) family and handheld RF Analyzers. Our new VNA family combines advanced functionality with affordability, setting new standards in RF measurement technology.

Product Manager Michelle expressed her enthusiasm: "We're thrilled to debut our new USB Vector Network Analyzer family at IMS. This launch represents a significant milestone for Bird, offering our customers enhanced precision and performance at an accessible price point."



Connect with Us at Booth 1955

We look forward to seeing you there and discussing how our products can meet your RF testing needs. Request an appointment with a Bird Team Member!

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